
Windows Phone version 8.1

Windows Phone version 8.1 is apparently being tested by at least one person. Could this testing mean that the update is coming sooner rather than later? Not to be confused with the much-rumored Windows 8.1 “Blue” that is coming for Windows 8 devices, Windows Phone 8.1 is the next update for your mobile OS which will most likely offer its own set of improvements to please the small but loyal Windows Phone fan base.Analytical data posted by Windows Phone developer Tom Myles from one of his apps shows that one of his apps users was indeed sporting version 8.1 of the operating system. Other than that, there continues to be little information regarding the next update of the OS.

Developer Tom Myles have posted the first sighting of the next  major version of Windows Phone, finding the OS update in the analytics data of his app Archiver.
The phone, which only made one appearance, was running Windows Phone 8.10.12076.0 vs  8.0.1211.2004 for our current handsets.
It is not know yet what improvements we can expect in the next version of Windows Phone, but in my opinion much of the exciting features found in Windows 8.1 will probably also come to Windows Phone 8.1, including Miracast screen sharing for example.
There has been some speculation that Windows Phone 8.1 will only hit the market by early next year – here’s hoping these early signs point to a more reasonable delivery date this holiday season.

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